Almost all ship to ship guns are railguns, there are no plasma guns (but there are plasma warheads). Weapon systems need to be detailed, but will mostly be as per Serenity. A 1000 ton, 20G thrust, Very High (x2.4) Complexity ship is 240,000 credits base price before gear. 3.75 credits for a torch drive and 2 credits for reaction thrusters only ship. Price is 5 credits per ton times G thrust times complexity modifier for an Epstein drive ship. Most of the Serenity Assets and Complications will be valid, Born to the Black is a significant one as most ships larger than a light freighter or small warship cannot land. The Expanse game has Assets and Complications (Qualities and Flaws), just like Serenity, so I will translate those over. A ship in teakettle thruster mode consumes 25 times as much as an Epstein drive, 25 tons in 7 hours or. A torch drive consumes ten times as much, 10 tons in 7 hours or. A 2000 ton ship boosting at 1G consumes 2 tons in 7 hours. An Epstein drive consumes 1 ton of reaction mass/7 hours per 1000 tons of of thrust (abbreviated TT). Reaction mass is more significant, but it's water, so it's easy to deal with. A ship carries a few months worth of fuel pellets. Power plant fuel is pretty small and storage is part of the reactor tonnage. No drive, just reaction thrusters (max 2G): 20% Torch drive only: 20% +1% per G of thrust Ship design is going to be my modified Serenity rules, with a few tweaks for the Expanse setting.Įpstein drive equipped: 20% +1.5% per G of thrust According to one source, 1 ton of engine delivers about 140 tons of thrust. High thrust, but high fuel consumption also.Įpstein drive- The Epstein drive is a vastly improved torch drive, magnetically accelerating ionized plasma from the reactor to generate thrust. The torch drive delivers high thrust comparable to an Epstein drive, but consumes at least a magnitude more fuel.

Torch drive- A fusion reactor fuses hydrogen and expels it for thrust. Small, short range ships use a teakettle mode only. Low thrust, very high reaction mass consumption, but stealthy. Teakettle- The ship maneuvers on its reaction thrusters only, which use super-heated steam. Water is carried as reaction mass at least for the reaction control thrusters and main drive. While all ships have fusion reactors, not all of them have the high efficiency Epstein drive.

The reactors get a lot of power from a pretty small fuel supply it seems, but unlike most fusion reactors, do generate some radiation.

The reactors burn some kind of fuel pellets, probably something like deuterium doped with Helium-3 or some other exotic mixture. So I am going to work up a modified set of rules to handle ship design and combat.Īpparently all the ships have fusion reactors, even small shuttles. The ships in The Expanse RPG are even more generic than the ones in Serenity/Cortex. To attach a tag simply click on the tags button at the bottom of any page. It seems you have no tags attached to pages.